Net Zero Education
WOMEN for INDIA in collaboration with International Council for Circular Economy has taken the social initiative of training/spreading awareness among your students on the importance of Net Zero Emissions. This will help students to become aware citizens by pledging for reducing their C-footprint. Principles of reduction and reuse of products and materials help in saving environmental degradation and curb Climate change. It also helps in reducing the amount of waste going to landfill for dumping. Combating climate change is at the top of everyone’s priority, from governments to businesses to individuals. Reaching net zero is one way we can assist this.
190 countries plus the European Union have signed the Paris Agreement on climate change, which aims to keep global temperatures below 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. However, if we continue to emit the greenhouse gases that cause climate change, temperatures will climb well above 1.5 degrees Celsius, putting people’s lives and livelihoods in jeopardy around the world. As a result, an increasing number of countries are pledging to reach carbon neutrality, or “net zero” emissions, within the next several decades. It’s a massive undertaking that will necessitate bold steps beginning right now.
Considering that carbon dioxide and methane are the most hazardous and plentiful greenhouse gas, it is proposed that we reduce carbon dioxide emissions, reduce our carbon footprint, or look for low-carbon alternatives to combat climate change.
- Educating students on Net Zero emissions, SDGs, and Climate change.
- Provide concentrated outreach and operational attention with the goal of diverting all recyclable and compostable waste.
- Document best practices and share them in form of a digital booklet.
- Systematically change recycling behaviors to reduce contamination and climate change.
- Advance a culture of recycling and sustainability.

The project helps students to become aware citizens by pledging for reducing their C-footprint.
Post successful completion of the course, certificates are provided to the students.
Digital Booklet
Students get a digital booklet on “50 ways to go Zero Waste” to promote sustainable practices