Examining the Need for Sustainable Menstruation in India

Abstract Composting is the process of complete degradation due to biological processes which yields carbon dioxide, water and other inorganic compounds in a defined period of time, without visible, distinguishable or toxic residue (Menstrual Waste Management, n.d.). It is really only appropriate for sanitary napkins without SAP, adhesive wings and other perforated plastic layers as …

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Environmentally Sustainable Cultural Practices of the Indigenous People s

ABSTRACT The role of culture in the conservation of environment is immensely significant. The main purpose behind the study is to explore the ways in which one of the Tribes of Assam has sustained the environment around them culturally. The Tiwa tribe of Assam is a scheduled tribe whose tradition and culture over time has …

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ABSTRACT Tourism is inherently exploitative in terms of the damaging the local community and the environment. It is a private-sector dominated, resource dependent industry which exports the client rather than a product. Sustainable tourism/ Eco-tourism aims to preserve the natural order of a local community. Tourism accelerates the growth of infrastructure in the tourist area …