#ZeroWaste Schools- ZWS is an innovative and comprehensive 3-month program whose objective is to help schools divert all recyclable and compostable waste, recycle, reduce waste, educate students. This helps schools to reduce their C-footprint by making small but significant changes. Here we work on the vision of sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. A 3-month comprehensive program to educate school students, staff and management on Zero Waste. This program would not only help students to learn about reducing waste but also help schools to completely transform them into a Zero Waste school. At the successful completion of the program, the school will get a Zero Waste certificate from Indo-American Center and WOMENforINDIA. This helps school students to understand the concept of the Circular Economy. Zero waste is an ethical, environment-friendly, green, efficient way of lifestyle that helps to live a sustainable life. The aim is to reduce the trash that we produce at individual levels to zero. This would help to save our natural resources and to rebuild economies in support of community health and sustainability.